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Herbal cooking

Keeping Herbs Fresh

• Loosely wrap herbs in a damp paper towel, then seal in a zip-top plastic bag filled with air. Refrigerate for up to five days. Check herbs daily, as some of them lose their flavor after a couple of days.

• Store herbs bouquet-style when in bunches: Place, stems down, in a jar with water covering 1 inch of the stem ends, enclose in a large zip-top plastic bag, and change the water every other day. Most herbs will keep for up to a week this way.

• Many supermarkets carry herb plants in their produce sections. Snip off as much as you need, and the plant will last for weeks or even months.

• To revive limp herbs, trim 1/2 inch off the stems, and place in ice water for a couple of hours.

• Wash herbs just before using; pat dry with a paper towel.

• In most cases, heat kills the flavor of fresh herbs, so they're best when added to a dish at the end.

Fresh herbs can take a dish from good to great. Learn uses, recipes, and tips for keeping them fresh.

Basil - Chives - Sage - Mint
Rosemary - Oregano - Thyme - Cilantro

Parsley - Dill - Tarragon

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